
Fair Recruitment for International Healthcare Workers

Our vision is to give every nurse in Germany the recognition and compensation package that they deserve, in a role that they love. And we can only achieve this with ethical, fair, transparent recruitment policies. So, we’re committed to making your journey – and that of your employer – as open, honest, and candid as possible.

We Know The Challenges

Fairness is deeply rooted in our ethics as a company. Hire and Care was co-founded by international healthcare workers, so we know the system from the inside out – because we’ve been through it.

Our Co-Founder and COO, Biju, has worked as an international healthcare professional in Germany. He has a deep understanding of what international healthcare workers go through to find their dream job, the challenges they face – and the ethics of recruiting internationally.

Healthcare recruitment challenges can lead to unscrupulous practices. We’re committed to making it socially sustainable as well as practical.To tackle conflicts of interest and the potential for abuse, Hire and Care’s recruitment fees for international nurses are exclusively financed by German employers.

We strictly adhere to the WHO’s Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel.

And to show we’re completely transparent and committed – we have applied to the German Federal Ministry of Health (BGM) for an official Fair Recruitment Healthcare Germany seal of approval.

We Protect International Healthcare Workers

All our candidates are individuals – diverse and complex, but human at heart. We know what you’re leaving behind: family, friends, and a secure and familiar environment. You might be uprooting your children and loved ones, for a chance at a better life.

We empathise with that. It’s scary and it’s difficult, on so many levels. But we’re committed to supporting you through it. You’ll never, ever be alone when you choose Hire and Care.

We work to individual needs, within a robust framework that ensures your security. We promise that you will never be left behind. You will have the same fair treatment and safety as anyone else, because we have solid systems in place to keep you moving through the process.

Hire and Care is a for-profit recruitment technology platform – but we are responding to a social cause. We take that responsibility extremely seriously. Our business is as sustainable, ethical, and transparent as possible, because only positive healthcare outcomes will make us successful in our mission: to strengthen the German healthcare sector.

We Protect Germanys Healthcare Institutions

Protecting Germanys healthcare infrastructure is just as important as protecting the professionals who work within it.

We’re equally committed to delivering value to employers, and safeguarding their interests.

We do this by carefully matching candidates to job openings, using a blend of intelligent software and human review, carried out by our team of international healthcare recruitment experts.

Candidates are quality-assured, meaning that you will get capable, adaptable healthcare professionals, who understand the culture and working environment. Everyone goes through careful vetting at Hire and Care – no box-checking, no lip service – but real, one-to-one interaction.

For nurses who have completed language training elsewhere, carry out a German language skills-check. For those who apply internationally through us, we provide language coaching from native German tutors, as part of our recruitment process.

And that process is totally open, and done with crystal-clear transparency. Employers can track the status of each candidate, contact them, and talk to us – at any stage.

Our Values

Hire and Care was built with four core values; our guiding principles that we’ll always stick to.

Always Care

Our priority is safe, quality care for all. We always care

Always Fair

No hidden costs. No surprises. We are always transparent.

Always Fast

We work quickly, to get the right person in the right job.

Always Here

We’re always here to talk and support you.

Our Corporate Standards

1. Respect for Legal Frameworks

Hire and Care is committed to complying with the legal requirements of German labor, residence, and social laws in all aspects of recruiting international professionals. This includes adhering to all relevant regulations that govern the employment and integration of foreign workers into the German healthcare system.

2. Human Rights and Social Standards

We are dedicated to upholding fundamental human rights and social standards in our recruitment practices. These include:

  • Prohibition of Discrimination:We ensure equal treatment for all candidates, regardless of race, gender, religion, or nationality.
  • Protection Against Sexual Harassment:We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of sexual harassment.
  • EqualOpportunities:All candidates have equal access to opportunities and resources provided by Hire and Care.
  • Health and Safety:We prioritize the health and safety of all employees and candidates, ensuring safe working conditions.
  • FairWages:Weguarantee fair wages in accordance with German law and international standards.
3. Ethical Recruitment Locations

We do not recruit healthcare workers from third countries where there is a shortage of healthcare professionals, in line with ethical recruitment principles. This ensures that we do not contribute to the depletion of essential healthcare resources in those countries Read More.

4. Alignment with International Standards

Hire and Care aligns its company practices with international standards, including:

  • WHOGlobalCodeofPractice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel:We adhere to the WHO’s guidelines on ethical recruitment, ensuring that our practices are fair and responsible. Read more.
  • International labor Organization (ILO) Core Labour Standards:We comply with the ILO’s fundamental principles and rights at work, which cover freedom of association, the elimination of forced labor, the abolition of child labor, and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment.Learn more.
  • ILOGeneral Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment:Our recruitment processes are guided by the ILO’s principles and guidelines to ensure fair treatment of all workers. Explore the guidelines.
  • IRISStandards of the International Organization for Migration (IOM):We follow the IOM’s IRIS Standards, which set out ethical recruitment principles and best practices. View the standards.
5. Employer Pay Principle:

We operate on a strict “no fee policy” or the “Employer Pays” principle, ensuring that international professionals are never charged for their placement. This principle is aligned with global best practices to protect workers from exploitation. Learn more about the Employer Pays Principle.

6. Commitment to Ethical Partnerships:

Hire and Care collaborates exclusively with partners who are committed to fair and ethical recruitment. To ensure ongoing compliance with these standards, maintaining the highest levels of integrity in our recruitment processes.

7. Transparency in Terms and Conditions:

We are committed to full transparency regarding the terms and conditions of employment for all candidates. This includes clear communication about job roles, responsibilities, wages, and benefits.WHO publication on transparency in recruitment.

8. Respect for Freedom of Movement:

Hire and Care respects the freedom of movement for all individuals, ensuring that our recruitment processes do not restrict the personal freedom of candidates.

9. Confidentiality and Data Protection:

We maintain strict confidentiality and data protection standards to safeguard the personal information of all candidates in compliance with German and international laws.

10. Access to Legal Remedies:

Candidates have access to legal remedies if their rights are violated during the recruitment or employment process. We provide resources and support to help them understand and pursue their legal rights.

Hire and Care Code of Conduct

1. Mission and Values

Hire and Care is dedicated to ensuring ethical, fair, and transparent recruitment practices. Our mission is to support international healthcare professionals in integrating into the German healthcare system while adhering to the highest standards of integrity. We are committed to long-term success and the well-being of our candidates.

2. Compliance with Laws

Westrictly comply with German and international laws, including labor laws and human rights conventions. This ensures that all our activities are lawful and ethical. For more information on German labor laws, please refer to Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales.

3. Ethical Recruitment Practices

Our recruitment process is grounded in fairness and transparency. We operate under the Employer-Pays-Principle, ensuring that candidates do not incur any recruitment fees. We also strictly adhere to the requirements set by the Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe Wilhelmine Lübke Stiftung e.V., which guide our entire recruitment and placement practices. These principles include:

  • Written Form for Verifiability:All agreements and communications are documented in writing to ensure transparency and accountability.
  • FreePlacement Process for Nursing Staff:Our services are provided free of charge to the candidates,ensuring they face no financial barriers.
  • Appropriateness of Economic Risk:We take into consideration the financial risks involved and ensure they are reasonable and fair for all parties.
  • Transparency Regarding Structures, Services, and Costs:We provide clear and upfront information regarding our services and any associated costs.
  • Sustainability and Participation:Our practices are designed to be sustainable and to involve active participation from all stakeholders.
  • Overall Responsibility:We take full responsibility for the entire recruitment and placement process, ensuring that our candidates are treated fairly and ethically throughout.

Details about our commitment to fair recruitment can be found on the official Faire Anwerbung Pflege Deutschland website.

4. Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination

Hire and Care is an equal-opportunity employer. We promote diversity and inclusion in all recruitment activities, ensuring that all candidates have equal access to opportunities. For guidelines on non-discrimination in Germany, you can visit Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes

5. Transparency in Services and Costs

Transparency is a core value at Hire and Care. We provide clear and upfront information regarding all services and any associated costs. Candidates are fully informed about the recruitment process and receive ongoing support throughout their journey.

Weoperate on a strict “no fee policy” or the “Employer Pays” principle ,ensuring that international professionals are never charged for their placement. This principle is aligned with global best practices to protect workers from exploitation.

6. Long-Term Support and Integration

Our commitment extends beyond recruitment. We provide continuous support to help candidates integrate successfully into the German healthcare system. This includes language training, cultural orientation, and professional development. Information on integration programs in Germany can be found on the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

7. Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Hire and Care is deeply committed to sustainable recruitment practices that benefit both candidates and the German healthcare system. We aim to create long-term solutions to address nursing shortages in Germany by working closely with local healthcare institutions and stakeholders.

Our approach to sustainability involves ethical sourcing, ensuring that our recruitment practices do not deplete healthcare resources in countries with critical shortages. We align our efforts with global sustainability goals, including responsible recruitment and long-term integration of healthcare professionals into the German workforce.

Additionally, we emphasize social responsibility by promoting fair treatment, equitable access to opportunities, and the protection of workers rights throughout the recruitment process. Our commitment extends beyond placement, offering ongoing support to ensure the successful integration of healthcare professionals into their new roles.

For more information on sustainable business practices and frameworks that guide our approach, you can explore the following resources:

  1. World Health Organization (WHO) Health Workforce- Sustainability URL:
    • Thisresource provides insights into global strategies and policies for sustaining a well-trained, skilled health workforce, which is integral to our recruitment practices.
8. Continuous Improvement

Wecontinuously review and enhance our Code of Conduct to ensure alignment with the latest standards and feedback from all stakeholders. This ongoing commitment ensures that we remain a trusted partner in ethical healthcare recruitment.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

Hire and Care is a digital hiring platform that helps hospitals and care homes discover skilled healthcare professionals. We assist nurses and students from various countries who want to move to Germany for work and nursing education. Additionally, we help nurses who are already employed in Germany find better positions with better pay and benefits.

For job seekers, our services are free of charge. We do not charge any fees for individuals seeking employment opportunities through our platform.Instead, we generate revenue by partnering with employers who post job offers on our platform. They pay a fee to utilize our services and connect with talented nurses.

Hire and Care recruits healthcare professionals from various countries, subject to the WHO regulations and permissions granted by the German and local governments.If you reside in a country that is listed in the WHO health workforce support and safeguard list we regret to inform you that we are currently unable to assist you in securing a positionin Germany.

You can contact us at +4915171232244 (also via WhatsApp ) or send an email to info@hireandcare.de. We are here to help and will be delighted to assist you.

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